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After a simple registration process you will be able to log in and tailor your digital workplace by selecting the most valuable tools for you. The College's distinctive and consistent architecture, human-scaled connecting courtyards and walkways, and inward-turning orientation of the core campus as a whole are elements that create a strong sense of place and make its student, faculty, and staff inhabitants feel that they are part of a cohesive community. Il 19 maggio Link Immersed in green, the universitys central square is located in front of the Gymnasium between the Romagnoli building and the Manor. WebConfirm Password. Home. How to have a professional qualification, including vocational education and training, recognised in Italy, Anagrafe studenti e rilevazioni sulle scuole, I Centri provinciali per l'istruzione degli adulti, I Centri regionali di ricerca,sperimentazione e sviluppo, Il Piano di attivit per l'innovazione dell'istruzione degli adulti, Procedura selettiva personale scuola allestero, Concorso ordinario scuola Infanzia e primaria, Procedura Straordinaria per limmissione in ruolo scuola secondaria, Procedura concorsuale straordinaria di cui allarticolo 59, comma 9-bis, del decreto-legge 25 maggio 2021, n. 73, convertito, con modificazioni, dalla legge 23 luglio 2021, n. 106, Abilitazione straordinaria scuola secondaria 2020, Abilitazioni ex Decreto ministeriale 249 del 2010, Aggiornamento graduatorie distituto di terza fascia, Direttiva 170/2016 - Accreditamento/qualificazione enti, riconoscimento corsi, Formazione e aggiornamenti dirigenti scolastici, Comandi presso enti, associazioni e universit, Dotazioni organiche personale docente ed educativo e insegnanti di religione cattolica. WebLink Campus University Offered Programs Select your Degree Bachelors Masters Application Requirements for Bachelors: A-Level Certificate Language Documents (Where Applicable) Select your field of study for Bachelors Select your Bachelor program Link Campus University in Rankings Ranked 76th in the whole of Italy. Our Careers and Services Office connects students with employers and provides a variety of services to prepare individuals to further their careers. Black students are not graduating college on par with their peers. Degree in Medicine and Surgery; Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques; Degree in This is one of our students favourite outdoor meeting points. The number 82 University in Italy and ranked number 4739 in the world. It opened in Italy as a branch of a Maltese university.